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Glomulser Web hosting - Hosting Provider You Can Rely On

User-friendly CP

Our unique Control Panel enables you to manage your web site(s) and domain(s) from one single place. It's quick, responsive and intuitive. Using the drag-and-drop file upload functionality and the handy right-click context menus, you can easily manage everything associated with your web site.

Application Installer

The Applications Installer tool gives you the chance to quickly install more than 40 popular web apps, among them Joomla, WordPress, Drupal and many others, with only one click. You don't need to download anything or create a database - our tool will do everything for you.

24/7 Support

If you have a problem with your website, you can always rely on our client support team - its reps are available 24/7. No matter what, they will respond in no more than 1 hour, with the average response time being 20 minutes.

Our Control Panel

You can have absolute control over your websites and domain(s) with the assistance our Hosting Control Panel. It features a user-friendly interface with point & click actions. View Demo

Our Clients Are Saying:

Shared Hosting Services from Glomulser Web hosting

At Glomulser Web hosting, we specialize in providing reliable and easy-to-use shared hosting services and domain name registration services at affordable prices. We have devised a fully featured hosting Control Panel called Hepsia, which comes for free with all web hosting packages and which is equipped with free tools that can help you publish your new site to the web quicker than you can say Jack Robinson.

hosting packages services

Easy-to-use Control Panel

With our hosting Control Panel, you will get 300+ cost-free website skins, which you can utilize with any of your websites. If you prefer a more automated approach, then you will appreciate our Website Installer tool - it will install the desired website skin in several seconds. Or you can utilize our web site builder. With it, you can modify any aspect of your web site without the need to append one single line of source code. Our Control Panel also features an avant-garde File Manager, which permits you to upload files by simply dragging them over to your browser window. Plus, it enables you to extract compressed files with a mouse click. Our Domain manager is particularly useful when you need to manage mulitple domain names at the same time. And our Email Manager will grant you complete command over your mailboxes.

Hosting Packages Control Panel

Live Stats

A statistics gathering tool is integrated into the Control Panel as well. It will automatically start working when you publish your site to the web. Our smart tool does not require any setup - it gathers all the data on its own without the need for you to make any modifications to your web site. You can see everything you need to know about how visitors interact with your web site right inside the web hosting Control Panel.

Hosting Stats

Free Website Accelerators

And if you possess some web site building abilities, we have some fantastic web accelerator tools for you. Varnish, Node.js, Memcached, etc. are accessible right from within the web hosting Control Panel. Using them, you can increase the loading speed of your site by ten times. In that way, you will make browsing your site a smoother experience for your visitors and the web site itself will rank higher in search engines.

Web Accelerators

Hosting Data Centers

At Glomulser Web hosting, we do business only with the best of the best. For this reason, we have chosen three different, first-class data center facilities located in three different continents to house your web hosting accounts. You can choose between our US data center in Chicago, Illinois, our UK data center just outside of Coventry and our AU data center. No matter which datacenter you pick, you will get the same hosting features at the same price.

Multiple Data Centers

Free 1-Click Script Installs! WordPress

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